Blog by Oak Hill Band Director Trent Henderson
The Oak Hill Middle School Band has been on the move and making memories these last couple of weeks before the holiday break. Sixteen students traveled to Warner Robins December 2nd to audition for a seat in the District XI Honor Bands. The ten Students pictured above all earned seats in the District Honor Band. Some of these students may have the opportunity to audition for the South Georgia Region Honor Band early next semester and if they earn a seat, will travel to Valdosta in April for this experience.
The middle school bands rang in the holiday season with the Beginning Band Concert December 4th at Oak Hill and an advanced bands concert December 5th featuring the 6th Grade Intermediate Band, 7th Grade Concert Band and the 8th Grade Symphonic Bands at the Baldwin Performing Arts Center.

Following an arousing performance by the OHMS Pep Band at the GCSU Women’s Basketball Education Day Game, ten 7th and 8th Grade Band students traveled to the University of Georgia December 7th through the 9th for the 33rd Annual UGA Bands Middle School Band Festival known as “MidFest.”
These students enjoyed fun and fellowship together while attending concerts by 2 guest, premiere middle school bands as well as the UGA Wind Symphony, eating out and touring the UGA campus. The students auditioned for placement in one of 8 clinic bands. We had students in six of the eight bands. They worked on music selections all day Friday and a couple of hours Saturday morning before putting on incredible performances Saturday afternoon.