BCSD principals, assistant principals, and district leaders trained with the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS) as part of the District’s preparation for the new school year. The training was conducted by Kate Hargrove of GEMA, and builds upon the security measures already in place in the District.
The BCSD leadership team also conducted a thorough assessment walk of all the school facilities with members of Baldwin emergency response teams including the Milledgeville Police Department, Baldwin Sheriff's Department, Baldwin County Fire and Rescue, GEMA, Baldwin Emergency Management Agency (BEMA), and Grady Emergency Medical Services. They went over maps, exit routes, exterior door usage and policies for emergency response.
The training session is part of a larger certification process known as CRASE (Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events) and the training will be extended to all employees beginning in August. The training provides strategies, guidance, and planning for surviving schoolwide emergencies including an active shooter event.