The Baldwin County School District announced today the achievement of an 88.8 percent graduation rate for 2017, which is a 22.2 percent increase over the past four years and a record high for the third year in a row. Baldwin High School has exceeded the state graduation rate by 8.25 percentage points.

“Thanks to the hard work of our students, teachers, administrators and support staff, along with strong collaboration with parents and community partners, we have been able to significantly increase our graduation rate in a short period of time. It is exciting to see our efforts pay off,” said Superintendent Dr. Noris Price.
The Baldwin County School District has taken a comprehensive approach to increasing their graduation rate. The focus on content mastery, research-based teaching strategies, dual enrollment, Advanced Placement, positive behavioral support systems, flexible scheduling and community partnerships have created learning opportunities that will allow students to reach their goals and be successful in life.
We also implemented a number of focused interventions that positively impacted the graduation rate. These included working closely with students who expressed a desire to drop out of school, utilizing the social worker and attendance officer to make home visits to students who had dropped out or were not attending school, and monitoring each student’s progress and graduation plan closely to ensure they were on track to graduate.
“We are making steady progress and seeing a greater percentage of our students graduating from high school with more options. This is another great victory for our school district and the Baldwin County community,” said Superintendent Dr. Noris Price.