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MHP's Featured Teacher of the Week: Crystal Webster


Meet Crystal Webster, Midway Hills Primary's new K-2 Art teacher!

This is Ms. Webster's fourth year in education, but her first in Baldwin County. She said she loves teaching in Baldwin County because of the wonderful students, great staff, & the district's appreciation of the fine arts.

In her spare time, Ms. Webster likes to hang out with her cats, Puma, Romeo, Jerry, & Lexi, make jewelry, draw, read, & play games. If she had one wish, it would be for everyone in the world to respect one another and get along despite our differences.

Fun Fact: Ms. Webster is originally from Florida, where she lived on an island the first four years of her life. She's terrified of alligators because she remembers one chasing her as a young child with its mouth open to eat her! Yikes!

We're certainly glad that alligator didn't eat you, because we're happy to have you a part of our team at Midway Hills Primary!

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Baldwin County Schools

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