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Program Overview
The Georgia State Board of Education defines a gifted student as a student who meets the eligibility criteria as identified in Georgia State Department of Education Rule 160-4-2-.38 and as defined in the GaDOE Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services. All Baldwin County Schools serve identified gifted students. The gifted program provides diverse, high-quality opportunities for these students and recognizes the benefit of interaction with their intellectual peers. The teachers of the gifted are experienced professionals who have met the State of Georgia’s requirements for certification in Gifted Education. The gifted program is funded by the state..


Student Eligibility Requirements
Students in Baldwin County may be nominated for the gifted program in several ways. Any student may be nominated for the gifted program by teachers, counselors, administrators, parents or guardians, peers, self, and other individuals with knowledge of the student's abilities. Once a nomination is received, the gifted eligibility team at each school meets to determine the need for a referral to the county screening committee.  If a referral is made by the county screening committee, testing for eligibility is conducted. These students are referred and tested in late spring for placement in the program the following school year.  The requirements for identifying and placing students in the gifted program are governed by Georgia State Department of Education Rule 160-4-2-.38 and are consistent statewide. (Georgia Board of Education Gifted Home Page) Test scores used to establish eligibility shall be current within two years. (Baldwin County's Gifted Policy) 

A student transferring into the Baldwin County School System who already participates in a gifted program in Georgia and is considered to be in good standing within that program will be considered for inclusion in the program. The student’s records and test data will be reviewed for eligibility before a final placement decision is made. Parents should contact the child’s previous school and request that gifted records be forwarded to the new school. 

Students who transfer from out-of-state must meet Georgia requirements for placement. Test data from a previous school will be considered if the test meets Georgia eligibility criteria.  A placement committee will meet, review all documentation, and determine eligibility.

Among all students there are gifted students that show potential for performing at exceptionally high levels compared to others of their age, experience, or environment.  Such students exist within all ethnic, geographic, and socioeconomic groups and need differentiated instruction to achieve at levels commensurate with their abilities. Baldwin County’s gifted program will make every effort to identify students in diverse populations and will be sensitive to cultural differences during the nomination, screening, and evaluation process. This will include providing parent notification forms in native languages and testing materials that are appropriate for the students’ particular needs.  



Personnel working full time as teachers of the gifted must hold a professional certificate and must, prior to beginning work in the area of the gifted, meet certification requirements.  These certification requirements include Gifted Education Endorsement added to a professional teaching certificate by successfully completing a program of study approved by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission's Rule 505-3-.21.


Gifted Records
Gifted records are maintained at local school sites and should be requested separately from other school records when students are withdrawing or transferring.


Program Description
The Baldwin County School System Gifted Program consists of three program levels – Operation Explore (OE), STEAM Academy for Growth and Exploration(SAGE), and Gifted and Advanced Placement (AP).  Visit the links at the top of the page for additional information regarding each program.


Gifted and Talented Association of Baldwin (GTAB) 

As a parent of an identified gifted student, you are encouraged to join GTAB.

Purpose: Support and advance Baldwin County’s gifted program

Meetings are held 3 times a year. Committee meetings will be held as needed.

Dues of $20.00 entitle you to membership in both local (GAGC) and Georgia Association for Gifted Children (GAGC) organizations and have access to GAGC’s webinars, resource material, eligibility to attend GAGC Conference, and support GAGC advocacy of gifted education in Georgia.

Click ï»¿here to get a copy of the GTAB Membership Application, then please return the completed application and $20 to your child's gifted education teacher.




·         Network with other parents
·         Support and advance Baldwin County’s gifted program
·         Retain gifted children in public schools
·         Raise funds for gifted children programs and their educators
·         Recognize Gifted Education Day
·         Get involved in the school system and community (Love4Haiti, Eco Club, Project HOPE, GIVE Center, Math Mania, Reading Bowl)
·         Keep parents involved and informed


For more information contact your child’s gifted classroom teacher or Sharon Simmons, 478-457-3325.





Gifted and Advanced Placement


 In keeping with the Georgia State Board of Education's recognition of the need to provide gifted education services to students who have the potential for exceptional academic achievement, Baldwin High School provides differentiated curriculum and programs for gifted and talented students.  

Program Goals

The Baldwin County School System strives to ensure the continued development of the potential of the gifted/talented students through the following goals:

  • To provide a curriculum which extends and enriches learning,

  • To provide an instructional program that encourages students to become independent learners, effective problem solvers, and creative thinkers.



Continued placement in the Baldwin High School Gifted Program classes shall include satisfactory performance in gifted classes.


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Contact Us


© Copyright 2021 

Baldwin County Schools

Phone: 478-453-4176


110 North ABC St.

Milledgeville, GA 31061

The Baldwin County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, genetics, disability, or sex in its employment practices, student programs and dealings with the public. It is the policy of the Board of Education to comply fully with the requirements of Title IX, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act and all accompanying regulations.

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