Erica Ingram
Curriculum & Instruction Director
Phone: 478-457-3325

Middle Grades Education
Georgia College and State University

Curriculum and Instruction
Central Michigan University

Educational Specialist
Educational Leadership
Georgia College and State University

Educational Specialist
Curriculum and Instruction specialization in Teacher Leadership
Nova Southeastern University
Preparing students to live lives of significance and service in the 21st Century is our commitment at Baldwin County Schools. Student achievement is our focus, and ensuring that each student succeeds is our goal. You are invited to join us as we embark on your child’s Journey of Learning, where each child will learn, grow, and develop.
Providing academic excellence in a warm and supportive climate is our number one job. Each student is given moral guidance to build character needed to face the pressures of the world with confidence and self-determination.
At each grade level, developmentally appropriate goals are maintained, as teachers recognize the need to adapt the curriculum to meet the varying formative stages present in each class. We strive to honor each student’s learning style, providing encouragement and assistance as needed. Parental support in all endeavors is needed and encouraged.
The aim of the Baldwin County elementary curriculum is for students to acquire lifelong learning skills. Student instruction is guided by the Georgia Standards of Excellence, as teachers recognize the need to differentiate the curriculum to meet the varying needs of students.
Students in kindergarten through fifth grade are expected to meet each year’s grade specific standards, retain or further develop skills and understandings mastered in the previous grades, and work toward meeting the expectations described by the state standards.
Instruction in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language are the shared responsibility of all teachers – reading, English Language Arts (ELA) math, science, social studies, and enrichment areas. This allows students to develop skills for reading and writing across a range of texts and classrooms.
Math instruction provides students with a solid foundation in whole numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and decimal numbers. Students need to develop a strong concrete-to-conceptual foundation in numbers and operations, including fractions and decimal numbers. Students are taught to make sense of problems and continue until the problem is solved.
The science curriculum is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills for understanding the world they live in and for interacting responsibly with the environment and for their own well being. Relationships between science, our environment, and our everyday world are crucial to each student’s scientific literacy.
Social studies instruction includes content from history, geography, political science and economics; students are provided with a basic background and critical thinking skills necessary to become effective and productive citizens.
New Online Tutoring Program Available for High School Students
Apr 12 2024
A new online tutoring program now is available for high school students at no cost!
GaTutor at https://gatutor.org/ is the Georgia Department of Education’s new tutoring program supported by Georgia Virtual Learning and offered online through Zoom.
High school students can receive online tutoring at no cost for core academic classes in English language arts, math, social studies and science.
The 25-minute sessions are led by Georgia certified educators with subject expertise and are available from 4 to 10 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, 10 a.m.to 8 p.m. Saturdays and 1 to 8 p.m. Sundays.
Students need to sign up in advance through the SLDS student portal, which they can access through their CCSD Canvas student account, up to one week in advance and at least two hours prior to the session start time.
A one-minute video explaining the sign-up process for students is available online at https://myccsd.instructuremedia.com/embed/b59ae049-0b98-497e-920f-e0d53c224ba6